Output and render functions for using sunburst within Shiny applications and interactive Rmd documents.
parcoordsOutput(outputId, width = "100%", height = "400px") renderParcoords(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE)
outputId | output variable to read from |
width, height | Must be a valid CSS unit (like |
expr | An expression that generates a sunburst |
env | The environment in which to evaluate |
quoted | Is |
if(interactive()) { #### filter proxy example ---- library(parcoords) library(shiny) ui <- tagList( textOutput("filteredstate", container=h3), parcoordsOutput("pc") ) server <- function(input, output, session) { rv <- reactiveValues(filtered = FALSE) output$pc <- renderParcoords({ parcoords(mtcars) }) observe({ # toggle between filtered and unfiltered every 2.5 seconds invalidateLater(2500) rv$filtered <- !isolate(rv$filtered) }) observeEvent(rv$filtered, { # create a proxy with which we will communicate between # Shiny and the parallel coordinates without a re-render pcp <- parcoordsProxy("pc") if(rv$filtered) { pcFilter( pcp, list( cyl = c(6,8), hp = list(gt = 200) ) ) } else { pcFilter(pcp, list()) } }) output$filteredstate <- renderText({ paste0("Filtered: ", rv$filtered) }) } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) ### center proxy example ---- library(shiny) library(parcoords) ui <- tags$div( parcoordsOutput("pc", width = 2500), style="width: 2500px;" ) server <- function(input, output, session) { # create a proxy with which we will communicate between # Shiny and the parallel coordinates without a re-render pcp <- parcoordsProxy("pc") output$pc <- renderParcoords({ parcoords(mtcars) }) pcCenter(pcp, 'drat') } shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server) ### hide/unhide proxy example ---- library(parcoords) library(shiny) ui <- tagList( selectizeInput( inputId = "columns", label = "Columns to Hide", choices = c("names",colnames(mtcars)), selected = "names", multiple = TRUE ), parcoordsOutput("pc"), checkboxInput("hidenames", label="Hide Row Names", value=TRUE), parcoordsOutput("pc2") ) server <- function(input, output, session) { output$pc <- renderParcoords({ parcoords(mtcars, rownames = FALSE, brushMode = "1d") }) output$pc2 <- renderParcoords({ parcoords(mtcars, rownames = FALSE) }) pcUnhide observeEvent(input$columns, { # create a proxy with which we will communicate between # Shiny and the parallel coordinates without a re-render pcp <- parcoordsProxy("pc") pcHide(pcp, input$columns) }, ignoreInit = TRUE, ignoreNULL = FALSE) observeEvent(input$hidenames, { # create a proxy with which we will communicate between # Shiny and the parallel coordinates without a re-render pcp2 <- parcoordsProxy("pc2") if(input$hidenames) { pcHide(pcp2, "names") } else { pcUnhide(pcp2, "names") } }) } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) ### snapshot example ---- library(shiny) library(parcoords) ui <- tags$div( actionButton(inputId = "snapBtn", label = "snapshot"), parcoordsOutput("pc", height=400) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { # create a proxy with which we will communicate between # Shiny and the parallel coordinates without a re-render pcp <- parcoordsProxy("pc") output$pc <- renderParcoords({ parcoords(mtcars) }) observeEvent(input$snapBtn, { # create a proxy with which we will communicate between # Shiny and the parallel coordinates without a re-render pcp <- parcoordsProxy("pc") pcSnapshot(pcp) }) } shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server) }