Create interactive parallel coordinates charts with this htmlwidget wrapper for d3.js parallel-coordinates.

parcoords(data = NULL, rownames = TRUE, color = NULL,
  brushMode = NULL, brushPredicate = "and", alphaOnBrushed = NULL,
  reorderable = FALSE, axisDots = NULL, margin = NULL,
  composite = NULL, alpha = NULL, queue = FALSE, mode = FALSE,
  rate = NULL, dimensions = NULL, bundleDimension = NULL,
  bundlingStrength = 0.5, smoothness = 0, tasks = NULL,
  autoresize = FALSE, withD3 = FALSE, width = NULL, height = NULL,
  elementId = NULL)



data.frame with data to use in the chart


logical use rownames from the data.frame in the chart. Regardless of this parameter, we will append rownames to the data that we send to JavaScript. If rownames equals FALSE, then we will use parallel coordinates to hide it.


Color can be a single color as rgb or hex. For a color function, provide a list( colorScale = , colorBy = , colorScheme =, colorInterpolator = , colorDomain =) where colorScale is the name of the d3-scale such as scaleOrdinal or scaleSequential, colorBy with the column name from the data to determine color. If appplying color to a discrete or ordinal variable then please also supply colorScheme, such as schemCategory10. If applying color to a continuous variable then please also supply colorInterpolator with colorInterpolator as the name of the d3 interpolator, such as interpolateViridis. If using a d3 color scale, then make sure to use the argument withD3 = TRUE.


string, either "1D-axes", "1D-axes-multi", or "2D-strums" giving the type of desired brush behavior for the chart.


string, either "and" or "or" giving the logic forthe join with multiple brushes.


opacity from 0 to 1 when brushed (default to 0).


logical enable reordering of axes


logical mark the points where polylines meet an axis with dots


list of sizes of margins in pixels. Currently brushMode = "2D-strums" requires left margin = 0, so this will change automatically and might result in unexpected behavior.


foreground context's composite type


opacity from 0 to 1 of the polylines


logical (default FALSE) to change rendering mode to queue for progressive rendering. Usually queue = T for very large datasets.


string seequeue above; queue = T will set mode = "queue"


integer rate at which render will queue


list to customize axes dimensions


character string for the column or variable on which to bundle


numeric value between 0 and 1 for the strength of the bundling. This value will not affect the parallel coordinates if bundleDimension is not set and will be ignored.


numeric value between between 0 and 1 for stength of smoothing or curvature. This value will not affect the parallel coordinates if bundleDimension is not set and will be ignored.


a character string or JS or list of strings or JS representing a JavaScript function(s) to run after the parcoords has rendered. These provide an opportunity for advanced customization. Note, the function will use the JavaScript call mechanism, so within the function, this will be an object with this.el representing the containing element of the parcoords and this.parcoords representing the parcoords instance.


logical (default FALSE) to auto resize the parcoords when the size of the container changes. This is useful in contexts such as rmarkdown slide presentations or flexdashboard. However, this will not be useful if you expect bigger data or a more typical html context.


logical to include d3 dependency from d3r. The 'parcoords' htmlwidget uses a standalone JavaScript build and will not include the entire d3 in the global/window namespace. To include d3.js in this way, use withD3=TRUE.


integer in pixels defining the width of the widget. Autosizing to 100 of the widget container will occur if width = NULL .


integer in pixels defining the height of the widget. Autosizing to 400px of the widget container will occur if height = NULL .


unique CSS selector id for the widget.


An object of class htmlwidget that will intelligently print itself into HTML in a variety of contexts including the R console, within R Markdown documents, and within Shiny output bindings.


if(interactive()) { # simple example using the mtcars dataset data( mtcars ) parcoords( mtcars ) # various ways to change color # in these all lines are the specified color parcoords( mtcars, color = "green" ) parcoords( mtcars, color = "#f0c" ) # in these we supply a function for our color parcoords( mtcars , color = list( colorBy = "cyl" , colorScale = "scaleOrdinal" , colorScheme = "schemeCategory10" ) , withD3 = TRUE ) if(require('ggplot2', quietly = TRUE)) { parcoords( diamonds ,rownames = FALSE ,brushMode = "1d-axes" ,reorderable = TRUE ,queue = TRUE ,color= list( colorBy="cut" , colorScale = "scaleOrdinal" , colorScheme = "schemeCategory10" ) ,withD3 = TRUE ) } } library(parcoords) parcoords( mtcars, dimensions = list( cyl = list( title = "cylinder", tickValues = unique(mtcars$cyl) ) ) ) parcoords( mtcars ,rownames = FALSE ,brushMode = "1d-multi" ,brushPredicate = "OR" ,dimensions = list( cyl = list( title = "cylinder", tickValues = unique(mtcars$cyl) ) ) )