Add 'data-ui' Dependencies to Tag or 'htmlwidget'

dui_add_deps(tag_htmlwidget = NULL)



shiny.tag or htmlwidget to which you would like to add data-ui dependencies


shiny.tag or htmlwidget

See also


library(htmltools) # not that you would want to do this but illustrates the usage of helper functions browsable( dui_add_deps( tags$div( dui_chr( dui_sparkline( data = runif(100), components = list( dui_sparklineseries(strokeDasharray = "3,3"), dui_sparkpointseries(points = list("min","max")) ) ) ) ) ) ) library(dplyr)
#> Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.6.3
#> #> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': #> #> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base': #> #> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
library(htmltools) library(dataui) data("diamonds", package="ggplot2") hist_all <- hist(diamonds$price, breaks = 20, plot = FALSE) dat <- diamonds %>% group_by(cut) %>% summarize( n = n(), mean_price = mean(price), hist = list(unclass(hist(price, breaks = hist_all$breaks, plot = FALSE))) )
#> `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# calculate max so all sparklines use same scale max_density <- max(unlist(lapply(dat$hist, function(x) {x$density}))) # convert hist column to character version of data-ui htmlwidget dat <- dat %>% mutate(hist = lapply(hist, function(h){ dui_chr( dui_sparkline( data = h$density, max = max_density, height = 80, margin = list(top = 0, bottom = 0, left = 20, right = 0), components = list( dui_sparkbarseries(), dui_tooltip( list( dui_sparkhorizontalrefline( stroke = "#ccc", strokeDasharray = "4,4" ), dui_sparkpointseries( renderLabel = htmlwidgets::JS("(d) => d ? (d*100000).toFixed(2) + '%' : null"), labelPosition = "right" ) ) ) ) ) ) })) # datatable library(DT) DT::datatable( dat, escape = FALSE, options = list( fnDrawCallback = htmlwidgets::JS('function(){ HTMLWidgets.staticRender()}') ) ) %>% formatCurrency("mean_price", digits = 0) %>% formatRound("n", digits = 0) %>% dui_add_deps()