A xts object that contains columns of monthly returns for an example of portfolio and its benchmark



CSV conformed into an xts object with monthly observations


data(portfolio_bacon) #preview the data head(portfolio_bacon)
#> Warning: index class is Date, which does not support timezones. #> Expected 'UTC' timezone, but indexTZ is ''
#> portfolio.monthly.return.... benchmark.return.... #> 2000-01-30 0.003 0.002 #> 2000-02-27 0.026 0.025 #> 2000-03-30 0.011 0.018 #> 2000-04-29 -0.010 -0.011 #> 2000-05-30 0.015 0.014 #> 2000-06-29 0.025 0.018
#summary period statistics summary(portfolio_bacon)
#> Index portfolio.monthly.return.... benchmark.return.... #> Min. :2000-01-30 Min. :-0.0650 Min. :-0.06700 #> 1st Qu.:2000-07-22 1st Qu.:-0.0110 1st Qu.:-0.00725 #> Median :2001-01-14 Median : 0.0130 Median : 0.01450 #> Mean :2001-01-13 Mean : 0.0090 Mean : 0.01004 #> 3rd Qu.:2001-07-06 3rd Qu.: 0.0295 3rd Qu.: 0.02850 #> Max. :2001-12-30 Max. : 0.0810 Max. : 0.08300
#cumulative returns tail(cumprod(1+portfolio_bacon),1)
#> Warning: index class is Date, which does not support timezones. #> Expected 'UTC' timezone, but indexTZ is ''
#> portfolio.monthly.return.... benchmark.return.... #> 2001-12-30 1.218106 1.249887