A wrapper to create a chart of relative regression performance through time

chart.RollingQuantileRegression(Ra, Rb, width = 12, Rf = 0,
  attribute = c("Beta", "Alpha", "R-Squared"), main = NULL, na.pad = TRUE,

chart.RollingRegression(Ra, Rb, width = 12, Rf = 0, attribute = c("Beta",
  "Alpha", "R-Squared"), main = NULL, na.pad = TRUE, ...)

charts.RollingRegression(Ra, Rb, width = 12, Rf = 0, main = NULL,
  legend.loc = NULL, event.labels = NULL, ...)



an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of asset returns


return vector of the benchmark asset


number of periods to apply rolling function window over


risk free rate, in same period as your returns


one of "Beta","Alpha","R-Squared" for which attribute to show


set the chart title, same as in plot


TRUE/FALSE If TRUE it adds any times that would not otherwise have been in the result with a value of NA. If FALSE those times are dropped.

any other passthru parameters to chart.TimeSeries


used to set the position of the legend


if not null and event.lines is not null, this will apply a list of text labels to the vertical lines drawn


A group of charts in charts.RollingRegression displays alpha, beta, and R-squared estimates in three aligned charts in a single device.

The attribute parameter is probably the most confusing. In mathematical terms, the different choices yield the following:

Alpha - shows the y-intercept Beta - shows the slope of the regression line R-Squared - shows the degree of fit of the regression to the data chart.RollingQuantileRegression uses rq rather than lm for the regression, and may be more robust to outliers in the data.


Most inputs are the same as "plot" and are principally included so that some sensible defaults could be set.

See also

lm rq


# First we load the data data(managers) chart.RollingRegression(managers[, 1, drop=FALSE], managers[, 8, drop=FALSE], Rf = .04/12)
charts.RollingRegression(managers[, 1:6], managers[, 8, drop=FALSE], Rf = .04/12, colorset = rich6equal, legend.loc="topleft")
chart.RollingQuantileRegression(managers[, 1, drop=FALSE], managers[, 8, drop=FALSE], Rf = .04/12)
#> Error in chart.RollingQuantileRegression(managers[, 1, drop = FALSE], managers[, 8, drop = FALSE], Rf = 0.04/12): package‘quantreg’is needed. Stopping
# not implemented yet #charts.RollingQuantileRegression(managers[, 1:6], # managers[, 8, drop=FALSE], Rf = .04/12, # colorset = rich6equal, legend.loc="topleft")