In Raw Form

Kent Russell

February 1, 2018

remiotic will bring the power of Semiotic to R, and hopefully the R user won’t have to know JavaScript to use it. The lazy way to build the bridge is to not document or validate and force the user to pass a list of list of lists to make their graph. Since this is the first version and merely a proof-of-concept, this lazy approach is what I have done. Let’s see if it works. Since this is a Rmarkdown document, if charts appear, then we prove part of the concept.


This is raw, alpha, and will change dramatically and rapidly, so you have been warned. To install, use devtools::install_bitbucket. Yep, bitbucket to keep it sneaky.



So now to the list of lists that I promised that hopefully will go away one day. We’ll intentionally use common data from R to prove data from R and charts from JavaScript.


  data = mtcars,
  frame = "XYFrame",
  props = list(
    shape = "points",
    xAccessor = "wt",
    yAccessor = "hp",
    pointStyle = list(fill = "black")
  width = 300,
  height = 200

Let’s pass a bigger list to see what happens.

  data = mtcars,
  props = list(
    title = "mtcars from R with Semiotic",
    shape = "points",
    xAccessor = "mpg",
    xExtent = range(mtcars$mpg),
    yAccessor = "hp",
    yExent = range(mtcars$hp),
    pointStyle = list(
      fill = "red",
      stroke = "blue",
      strokeWidth = 5,
      opacity = 0.5
    axes = list(
      list(orient = "left", label = "Miles per Gallon (mpg)"),
      list(orient = "bottom", label = "Horsepower (hp)")
    margin = list(
      top = 40,
      right = 20,
      bottom = 60,
      left = 70
    annotations = list(
      list(type = "x", label = "mpg > 21 is good", mpg = 21, color = "red", dy = 50)
  width = 400,
  height = 400


  # lines expected to be an array of arrays
  #  for now do it the really ugly way
  #  but should be able to fix this fairly easily
  data = list(
      group = "A",
      coordinates = lapply(0:10, function(x) list(x=x, y=runif(1)))
  frame = "XYFrame",
  props = list(
    shape = "lines",
    xAccessor = "x",
    yAccessor = "y",
    xExtent = c(0, 10),
    yExtent = c(0, 1),
    lineStyle = list(stroke = "#629"),
    margin = list(
      top = 20,
      right = 40,
      bottom = 50,
      left = 50
    axes = list(
      list(orient = "left"),
      list(orient = "bottom")
  width = "100%"

Discussion of API Options

One way we might handle the API would be to start with a frame and then add shapes. Here is how that might look with XYFrame and points.


  data = iris,
  xAccessor = "Petal.Length",
  xExtent = c(0, max(iris$Petal.Length)),
  yAccessor = "Petal.Width",
  yExtent = c(0, max(iris$Petal.Width)),
  title = "Semiotic Using Frames API",
  margin = list(top = 60, right = 20, bottom = 40, left = 50),
  height = 400,
  width = "100%"
) %>%
  rem_points() %>%
  rem_axes(orient = "bottom") %>%
  rem_axes(orient = "left")