Create V8 Context with D3




arguments passed to v8()


v8 context with d3.js loaded and available as d3


if (FALSE) { # to do this all in R, please see ggraph # # by Thomas Lin Pedersen library(d3r) # make a simple data.frame of US state data states <- data.frame( region = as.character(state.region), state = as.character(, population = state.x77[,"Population"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # use d3_nest to get the data.frame in a d3 hierarchy state_hier <- d3_nest( states, value_cols = "population" ) # use d3_v8 to do something useful with d3 and, our state data ctx <- d3_v8() ctx$eval(sprintf( " var states = %s", state_hier )) ctx$eval( " // we assigned the variable states above // so now make it a real d3 hierarchy var root = d3.hierarchy(states); // sum on population root.sum(function(d) {return d.population ? d.population : 0}); // use d3 to circle pack or state hierarchy d3.pack()(root); // get something we can convert into a data.frame in R var states_packed = []; root.each(function(d) { states_packed.push({ name:, radius: d.r, x: d.x, y: d.y }); }); " ) # now get states_packed from our context # to plot in R states_packed <- ctx$get("states_packed") opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) # make it square par(pty="s") symbols( states_packed$x, states_packed$y, states_packed$radius, inches=FALSE, asp=1 ) text(y~x, data=states_packed, labels=states_packed$name) # return to original par before we made it square par(opar) # d3.quadtree example library(d3r) x = runif(100) y = runif(100) ctx <- d3_v8() # assign pts as array of pts in V8 ctx$assign("pts", matrix(c(x,y),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)) # use d3.quadtree() to plot rects ctx$eval( " var d3q = d3.quadtree() .addAll(pts); // nodes function from function nodes(quadtree) { var nodes = []; quadtree.visit(function(node, x0, y0, x1, y1) { nodes.push({x0:x0, y0:y0, x1: x1, y1: y1}) }); return nodes; } " ) nodes <- ctx$get("nodes(d3q)", simplifyVector = FALSE) # draw points opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) # make it square par(pty="s") plot(y~x) # draw quadtree rects rect( lapply(nodes,function(x){x$x0}), lapply(nodes,function(x){x$y0}), lapply(nodes,function(x){x$x1}), lapply(nodes,function(x){x$y1}) ) par(opar) }