Mike Bostock. Author, copyright holder.
d3.js library in htmlwidgets/lib, http://d3js.org
Kent Russell. Author, maintainer, copyright holder.
R interface
Gregor Aisch. Author, copyright holder.
d3-jetpack creator, https://github.com/gka/d3-jetpack
Adam Pearce. Author.
core contributor to d3-jetpack
Ben Ortiz. Contributor.
Bostock M, Russell K, Aisch G, Pearce A (2023). d3r: 'd3.js' Utilities for R. R package version 1.1.0, https://github.com/timelyportfolio/d3r.
@Manual{, title = {d3r: 'd3.js' Utilities for R}, author = {Mike Bostock and Kent Russell and Gregor Aisch and Adam Pearce}, year = {2023}, note = {R package version 1.1.0}, url = {https://github.com/timelyportfolio/d3r}, }