Create a character version of interactive sparklines for use with other 'htmlwidgets' or tags.



## Not run: ------------------------------------ # library(dplyr) # library(tibble) # library(htmltools) # library(DT) # library(d3horizonR) # library(treemap) # for helpful random hierarchical data function # # # hier <- tbl_df( # # # see it in DT # datatable(hier) # # # with dplyr make some random data for a horizon chart # # we can replace x with this new data # hier <- hier %>% # mutate(x = lapply(x, function(x) {cumprod(1 + runif(365, -0.05, 0.05))})) %>% # # tranform our new x into a d3horizon chart # mutate(x = lapply(x, function(dat) { # d3horizon_chr( # list(dat), # options = d3horizonOptions(height=20), # width = 200 # ) # })) # # datatable( # hier, # escape = FALSE, # options = list( # columnDefs = list(list(width="200px", targets = 4)), # fnDrawCallback = htmlwidgets::JS( # ' # // not the best way but works fairly well # function(){ # HTMLWidgets.staticRender(); # } # ' # ) # ) # ) %>% # tagList(htmlwidgets::getDependency("d3horizon", "d3horizonR")) %>% # browsable() ## ---------------------------------------------