Sequences sunburst diagrams provide an interactive method of exploring sequence data, such as website navigation paths.

  data = NULL,
  legendOrder = NULL,
  colors = NULL,
  valueField = "size",
  percent = TRUE,
  count = FALSE,
  explanation = NULL,
  breadcrumb = list(),
  legend = list(),
  sortFunction = NULL,
  sumNodes = TRUE,
  withD3 = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  elementId = NULL,
  sizingPolicy = NULL,
  csvdata = NULL,
  jsondata = NULL



data in csv source,target form or in nested d3 JSON hierarchy with `name:..., children:[];`. csvdata and jsondata arguments are now deprecated in favor of this single data argument. list, character, or connection data will be assumed to be JSON. data.frame data will be assumed to be csvdata and converted to JSON by sunburstR:::csv_to_hier().


string vector if you would like to manually order the legend. If legendOrder is not provided, then the legend will be in the descending order of the top level hierarchy.


vector of strings representing colors as hexadecimal for manual colors. If you want precise control of colors, supply a list with range and/or domain. For advanced customization, supply a JavaScript function.


character for the field to use to calculate size. The default value is "size".


logical to include percentage of total in the explanation.


logical to include count and total in the explanation.


JavaScript function to define a custom explanation for the center of the sunburst. Note, this will override percent and count.


list to customize the breadcrumb trail. This argument should be in the form list(w =, h =, s =, t = ) where w is the width, h is the height, s is the spacing, and t is the tail all in px. w is 0 by default for breadcrumbs widths based on text length.


list to customize the legend or logical to disable the legend. The list argument should be in the form list(w =, h =, r =, s = ) where w is the width, h is the height, s is the spacing, and r is the radius all in px.


JS function to sort the slices. The default sort is by size.


logical to sum non-leaf nodes. The default sumNodes = TRUE assumes that the user has not already calculated a sum.


logical to include d3 dependency from d3r. As of version 1.0, sunburst uses a standalone JavaScript build and will not include the entire d3 in the global/window namespace. To include d3.js in this way, use withD3=TRUE.

height, width

height and width of sunburst htmlwidget containing div specified in any valid CSS size unit.


string id as a valid CSS element id.


see sizingPolicy.


deprecated use data argument instead; data in csv source,target form


deprecated use data argument instead; data in nested d3 JSON hierarchy with `name:..., children:[];`



# read in sample visit-sequences.csv data provided in source
# only use first 100 rows to speed package build and check
sequences <- read.csv(
  ,header = FALSE
  ,stringsAsFactors = FALSE

if (FALSE) { # explore some of the arguments sunburst( sequences ,count = TRUE ) sunburst( sequences # apply sort order to the legends ,legendOrder = unique(unlist(strsplit(sequences[,1],"-"))) # just provide the name in the explanation in the center ,explanation = "function(d){return}" ) # try with json data sequence_json <- jsonlite::fromJSON( system.file("examples/visit-sequences.json",package="sunburstR"), simplifyDataFrame = FALSE ) sunburst(sequence_json) # try with csv data from this fork # # great use for new breadbrumb wrapping sunburst( csvdata = read.csv( file = paste0( "", "7515402/raw/9f80d28094dc9dfed7090f8fb3376ef1539f4fd2/", "comment-sequences.csv" ) ,header = TRUE ,stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ) # try with csv data from this fork # sunburst( csvdata = read.csv( file = paste0( "", "92a2c36eb932b4f99e51/raw/", "a0212b4ca8043af47ec82369aa5f023530279aa3/visit-sequences.csv" ) ,header=FALSE ,stringsAsFactors = FALSE )) } if (FALSE) { # use sunburst to analyze ngram data from Peter Norvig # library(sunburstR) library(pipeR) # read the csv data downloaded from the Google Fusion Table linked in the article ngrams2 <- read.csv( system.file( "examples/ngrams2.csv" ,package="sunburstR" ) , stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ngrams2 %>>% # let's look at ngrams at the start of a word, so columns 1 and 3 (.[,c(1,3)]) %>>% # split the ngrams into a sequence by splitting each letter and adding - ( data.frame( sequence = strsplit(.[,1],"") %>>% lapply( function(ng){ paste0(ng,collapse = "-") } ) %>>% unlist ,freq = .[,2] ,stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ) %>>% sunburst library(htmltools) ngrams2 %>>% ( lapply(,ncol(.)) ,function(letpos){ (.[,c(1,letpos)]) %>>% # split the ngrams into a sequence by splitting each letter and adding - ( data.frame( sequence = strsplit(.[,1],"") %>>% lapply( function(ng){ paste0(ng,collapse = "-") } ) %>>% unlist ,freq = .[,2] ,stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ) %>>% ( tags$div(style="float:left;",sunburst( ., height = 300, width = 300 )) ) } ) ) %>>% tagList %>>% browsable } if (FALSE) { library(treemap) library(sunburstR) library(d3r) # use example from ?treemap::treemap data(GNI2014) tm <- treemap(GNI2014, index=c("continent", "iso3"), vSize="population", vColor="continent", type="index") tm_nest <- d3_nest( tm$tm[,c("continent", "iso3", "vSize", "color")], value_cols = c("vSize", "color") ) sunburst( data = tm_nest, valueField = "vSize", count = TRUE, # to avoid double counting with pre-summed trees # use sumNodes = FALSE sumNodes = FALSE, colors = htmlwidgets::JS("function(d){return;}"), withD3 = TRUE ) } # calendar sunburst example library(sunburstR) df <- data.frame( date = seq.Date( as.Date('2014-01-01'), as.Date('2016-12-31'), by = "days" ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) df$year = format(df$date, "%Y") df$quarter = paste0("Q", ceiling(as.numeric(format(df$date,"%m"))/3)) df$month = format(df$date, "%b") df$path = paste(df$year, df$quarter, df$month, sep="-") df$count = rep(1, nrow(df)) sunburst( data.frame(xtabs(count~path,df)), # added a degree of difficulty by providing # not easily sortable names sortFunction = htmlwidgets::JS( " function(a,b){ abb = { 2014:-7, 2015:-6, 2016:-5, Q1:-4, Q2:-3, Q3:-2, Q4:-1, Jan:1, Feb:2, Mar:3, Apr:4, May:5, Jun:6, Jul:7, Aug:8, Sep:9, Oct:10, Nov:11, Dec:12 } return abb[] - abb[]; } " ) )
# sorting example: place data in order of occurence library(sunburstR) df <- data.frame( group = c("foo", "bar", "xyz"), value = c(1, 3, 2) ) sunburst(df, # create a trivial sort function sortFunction = htmlwidgets::JS('function(x) {return x;}'))
new_order <- c(3,2,1) sunburst(df[new_order,], sortFunction = htmlwidgets::JS('function(x) {return x;}'))