install_github('rCharts', 'ramnathv')
View the Project on GitHub timelyportfolio/rCharts_morris_standalone
Download repo and run.
# reproduce the post
require(slidify) # dev version
system('open index.html')
morris.js offers some of the best time series handling of all the js libraries provided through rCharts. This makes it ideal for much of the time-series financial analysis performed in PerformanceAnalytics.
As a first example, let's build a cumulative growth line chart. It takes only a few lines of code to produce the chart.
# initial setup
# nice with Morris that we can do with melt or
# without
edhec.df <- data.frame(format(index(edhec), "%Y-%m-%d"),
apply(1 + coredata(edhec), MARGIN = 2, FUN = cumprod),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(edhec.df) <- c("date", gsub(x = colnames(edhec),
pattern = " ", replacement = ""))
m1a <- mPlot(x = "date", y = colnames(edhec.df)[2:NCOL(edhec.df)],
data = edhec.df, type = "Line")
m1a$set(pointSize = 0)
m1a$set(hideHover = "auto")
As another example, let's look at a grouped bar chart plotting the annual return for each year by manager/index.
# get calendar year returns so starting at 13
# monthly returns are 1 through 12
perf <- data.frame(table.CalendarReturns(managers[,
c(1, 8, 9)])[, 13:(12 + NCOL(managers[, c(1, 8,
9)]))], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# make rownames a column
perf <- data.frame(rownames(perf), perf, row.names = NULL)
# add date to column names and remove . from
# column names to not confuse js
colnames(perf) <- c("date", gsub(x = colnames(perf[-1]),
pattern = "[.]", replacement = ""))
# build the plot
m2 <- mPlot(x = "date", y = colnames(perf)[-1], data = perf,
type = "Bar")
# not pretty colors but an example how we can
# specify
m2$set(barColors = brewer.pal(10, "BrBG")[c(8, 4, 5)])
m2$set(postUnits = "%")
m2$set(hideHover = "auto")
Another way to use a grouped bar in a manager performance setting might be a look at cumulative or rolling performance statistics. In this case, the x-axis will be an ordinal scale instead of a date-time scale.
# get columns 3 through 12 and 14 as statistics
# with similar ranges
pastats <- data.frame(table.Stats(managers[, c(1, 8,
9)])[c(3:12, 14), ], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) *
# make rownames a column
pastats <- data.frame(rownames(pastats), pastats, row.names = NULL)
# add date to column names and remove . from
# column names to not confuse js
colnames(pastats) <- c("metric", gsub(x = colnames(pastats[-1]),
pattern = "[.]", replacement = ""))
# build the plot
m3 <- mPlot(x = "metric", y = colnames(pastats)[-1],
data = pastats, type = "Bar", width = 1000)
# not pretty colors but an example how we can
# specify
m3$set(barColors = brewer.pal(9, "PuBuGn")[c(7, 6,
# set to add % at end
m3$set(postUnits = "%")
# set to always show hover
m3$set(hideHover = "auto")
These were minimal examples using no additional javascript programming. rCharts allows this capability, and I strongly encourage readers to check out these two examples from the package author Ramnath Vaidyanathan NYT Baseball Strikeout Tutorial and Visualizing the Reinhart and Rogoff Public Debt Study. I will build on these examples to add additional interactivity.
In a future session I will compare the javascript interactive plots to the static graphics from R. I think most will agree that for most cases an interactive presentation will allow much better analysis and communication.