dimple/rCharts API

In most cases the rCharts/dimple plugin has attempted to map the dimple API on a one-to-one basis while keeping rCharts reference class methods consistent.


You can create an interactive plot making use of the dimple library using the dPlot() function. The minimal parameters are listed in the table below. The primary difference with dimple and other rCharts libraries is that arrays can be provided for x, y, and groups for pivot like functionality.

Argument Type Description
x formula or string formula y ~ x or string x = “” or x=c(“”,””,..) with column names from the data frame
y string or strings y = “” or y = c(“”,””,...) with column names from the data frame
data data frame A data frame containing the data to be plotted
type string The type of chart to plot “line” , “bubble” , “bar” , “area”
z (optional) string z = “” with column names from the data frame
groups (optional) string or strings groups = “” or groups = c(“”,””,...)

Beyond this basic specification, there are numerous opportunities for customization as shown with the methods and parameters below.

xAxis, yAxis, zAxis

dimple API: dimple.axis

xAxis, yAxis, and zAxis will gets passed in the JSON spec as opts.xAxis, ... By default rCharts will assign the x axis as addCategoryAxis (categorical/discrete) and y axis as addMeasureAxis (continuous/numeric).


Argument Type Description
type string “addMeasureAxis”, “addCategoryAxis”, “addTimeAxis”, “addPctAxis” .
orderRule string or array add a rule by which the values in a category axis will be ordered
grouporderRule string or array add a rule by which the values in a group on a category axis will be ordered
overrideMin generally numeric manually override minimum for the axis
overrideMax generally numeric manually override maximum for the axis
inputFormat only for “addTimeAxis” string d3 time parse format using d3 time formatting
outputFormat string formatting for the axis using the d3 time formatting or d3 formatting style


Axis specifications can be provided in 3 ways.

d1 <- dPlot(...)
d1 <- dPlot(
  [x,y,z]Axis = list(...)


Provide sample usages and an example similar to the gallery/create sections.


dimple API: dimple.chart.legends


Argument Type Description
x number or string % x coordinate of the left corner of the legend
y number or string % y coordinate of the top of the legend
width number or string % width of the legend
height number or string % height of the legend
horizontalAlign (optional) string “left” or “right”; “left” is default horizontal positioning of legend elements within the bounds defined


Legends can be provided in 3 ways.

dPlot(...,legend = list(x=,y=,height=,width=,horizontalAlign=))
d1 <- dPlot(...)
d1 <- dPlot(...)
d1$set(legend = list(x=,y=,height=,width=,horizontalAlign=))



dimple API: dimple.chart.storyboard


Argument Type Description
series string series for which we want dimple to use to animate the chart


Storyboards can be provided in 2 ways. Currently, storyboards do not have a method specifically assigned.

dPlot(...,storyboard = "series_for_storyboard")
d1 <- dPlot(...)
d1$set(storyboard = "series_for_storyboard")



dimple API: dimple.series.lineWeight


Argument Type Description
width number (default = 2) numeric value used to determine the weight of the line in a line chart or area chart in pixels


lineWidth can be provided in 2 ways. Currently, lineWidth does not have a method specifically assigned.

dPlot(...,lineWidth = width)
d1 <- dPlot(...)
d1$set(lineWidth = width)



dimple API: dimple.series.barGap


Argument Type Description
width number (default = 0.4) numeric value used to determine the weight of the line in a line chart or area chart in pixels


barGap can be provided in 2 ways. Currently, barGap does not have a method specifically assigned.

dPlot(...,barGap = gap)
d1 <- dPlot(...)
d1$set(barGap = gap)



dimple API: dimple.series.aggregate


Argument Type Description
aggregate function string (avg, count, max, min, sum) see dimple code aggregate function provided by dimple to specify how values are aggregated in a series


aggregate can be provided in 2 ways. Currently, aggregate does not have a method specifically assigned.

dPlot(...,aggregate = aggregatefunction)
d1 <- dPlot(...)
d1$set(aggregate = aggregatefunction)
