Upside Risk is the similar of semideviation taking the return above the Minimum Acceptable Return instead of using the mean return or zero. To calculate it, we take the subset of returns that are more than the target (or Minimum Acceptable Returns (MAR)) returns and take the differences of those to the target. We sum the squares and divide by the total number of returns and return the square root.

UpsideRisk(R, MAR = 0, method = c("full", "subset"), stat = c("risk",
  "variance", "potential"), ...)



an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of asset returns


Minimum Acceptable Return, in the same periodicity as your returns


one of "full" or "subset", indicating whether to use the length of the full series or the length of the subset of the series below the MAR as the denominator, defaults to "full"


one of "risk", "variance" or "potential" indicating whether to return the Upside risk, variance or potential

any other passthru parameters


$$ UpsideRisk(R , MAR) = \sqrt{\sum^{n}_{t=1}\frac{ max[(R_{t} - MAR), 0]^2}{n}}$$ $$ UpsideVariance(R, MAR) = \sum^{n}_{t=1}\frac{max[(R_{t} - MAR), 0]^2} {n}$$ $$UpsidePotential(R, MAR) = \sum^{n}_{t=1}\frac{max[(R_{t} - MAR), 0]} {n}$$

where \(n\) is either the number of observations of the entire series or the number of observations in the subset of the series falling below the MAR.


Carl Bacon, Practical portfolio performance measurement and attribution, second edition 2008


data(portfolio_bacon) MAR = 0.005 print(UpsideRisk(portfolio_bacon[,1], MAR, stat="risk")) #expected 0.02937
#> [1] 0.02937332
print(UpsideRisk(portfolio_bacon[,1], MAR, stat="variance")) #expected 0.08628
#> [1] 0.0008627917
print(UpsideRisk(portfolio_bacon[,1], MAR, stat="potential")) #expected 0.01771
#> [1] 0.01770833
MAR = 0 data(managers) print(UpsideRisk(managers['1996'], MAR, stat="risk"))
#> HAM1 HAM2 HAM3 HAM4 HAM5 HAM6 #> Upside Risk (MAR = 0%) 0.01799111 0.05916453 0.04002169 0.0321782 0 0 #> EDHEC LS EQ SP500 TR US 10Y TR US 3m TR #> Upside Risk (MAR = 0%) 0 0.03204533 0.01397565 0.004324785
print(UpsideRisk(managers['1996',1], MAR, stat="risk")) #expected 1.820
#> [1] 0.01799111