Systematic risk as defined by Bacon(2008) is the product of beta by market risk. Be careful ! It's not the same definition as the one given by Michael Jensen. Market risk is the standard deviation of the benchmark. The systematic risk is annualized

SystematicRisk(Ra, Rb, Rf = 0, scale = NA, ...)



an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of asset returns


return vector of the benchmark asset


risk free rate, in same period as your returns


number of periods in a year (daily scale = 252, monthly scale = 12, quarterly scale = 4)

any other passthru parameters


$$\sigma_s = \beta * \sigma_m$$

where \(\sigma_s\) is the systematic risk, \(\beta\) is the regression beta, and \(\sigma_m\) is the market risk


Carl Bacon, Practical portfolio performance measurement and attribution, second edition 2008 p.75


data(portfolio_bacon) print(SystematicRisk(portfolio_bacon[,1], portfolio_bacon[,2])) #expected 0.013
#> [1] 0.132806
data(managers) print(SystematicRisk(managers['1996',1], managers['1996',8]))
#> [1] 0.02626834
print(SystematicRisk(managers['1996',1:5], managers['1996',8]))
#> HAM1 HAM2 HAM3 HAM4 #> Systematic Risk to SP500 TR (Rf = 0) 0.02626834 0.0802869 0.08824707 0.06878241 #> HAM5 #> Systematic Risk to SP500 TR (Rf = 0) NA